Twitter Suspends A Ton Of Accounts Known for ‘Tweetdecking’
Twitter recently suspended a number of popular accounts for indulging "Tweetdecking", which implies accounts simultaneously mass tweeting same tweets from numerous accounts

Continuing twitter’s battle against mass tweeting, Twitter recently suspended a number of popular accounts for indulging “Tweetdecking”, which implies accounts simultaneously mass tweeting same tweets from numerous accounts.
The development was first revealed by BuzzFeed, which specify that some accounts like @Dory, @GirlPosts, @SoDamnTrue, Girl Code/@reiatabie, @commonwhitegiri, @teenagernotes, @finah, @holyfag, and @memeprovider got suspended over the end of the week. A few of these accounts were extremely famous with several thousand or even a large number of followers.
Tweetdecking is the way of selling retweets for cash to force tweets to go viral as well as stealing others’ tweets without credit in order to boost follower numbers. Those involved, form secret Tweetdeck groups, which they call “decks”, the process is known as “tweetdecking”. Getting an invite to join a deck requires a follower check in the several thousand. Numerous individuals running efforts for awareness say that the top trends on Twitter are now almost difficult to breach without an organized campaign by volunteers flooding the tag because social media “services” can actually sell organized campaigns for visibility. “Tweetdecking” is currently a thing! These trends can be unreasonable, meaningless and entirely populated with bots or those gaining a pay from posting content on Twitter.
Developers are presently kept from utilizing any system that at the same time posts “identical or substantially similar” tweets from multiple accounts at once, or permits activities like favoriting, retweeting and following across multiple accounts at once. Twitter will expel these options from its own TweetDeck application, and third-party developers have until March 23rd to comply.
The practice is most prominent with more younger users, and for a few have proved incredibly lucrative with earnings of thousands of dollars consistently.
According to BuzzFeed News, the accounts were authoritatively banned for violating Twitter’s spam policy. The policy states that clients ‘may not utilize Twitter’s services to spam anybody’ and are not allowed to ‘offer, buy, or attempt to misleadingly account interactions. ‘Twitter confirmed that the action was a consequence of a more extensive crackdown on bot accounts, yet that its efforts are ‘apolitical.’
Because of the current purge, numerous different clients celebrated the news. “All of these accounts steal tweets from actually funny and creative people and then benefit from them,” one individual called attention to. Another prominent: “Y’all, Twitter isn’t playing any longer”, along with screenshots of the deleted accounts.
Recently, Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter, kept in touch with a few tweets about the company’s efforts to enhance the health of conversations on the platform. He said that how the company has witnessed abuse, provocation, troll armed forces, manipulation through bots and human-coordination, misinformation campaigns, progressively troublesome echo chambers, and that it has been blamed of apathy, restriction and political bias for Twitter’s business and share price instead of the concerns of the society. “This isn’t our identity, or who we ever need to be,” he said in a Tweet.